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Democratic Socialist Party

Victory Through Unity.

Welcome to the official site of the DSPSA.

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1No response from the chief of police. Empty No response from the chief of police. Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:46 pm


Leader of the Party

No response from the chief of police. Sh1obm0
Victory Through Unity
No response from the chief of police. NGD6YYq

Earlier this week we attempted to reach out to the chief of the Los Santos Police Department as a way of cooperating and reducing corruption within the law enforcement agencies. We were left without a response. This leads us to believe that those in the law enforcement do not support our agenda, this will make it very difficult for us to make a real change if those in charge simply don't want to listen.

However we will continue our attempt at cooperating with other agencies and groups in hope they will agree and support our cause. We are doing everything in our legal power to improve this great city of ours but we need your support to do it, so please spread the message of the DSP.
Together we can make a fairer society for all.

Signed David Cat,
Leader of the DSP.

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