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Democratic Socialist Party

Victory Through Unity.

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1The Democratic Socialist Party Empty The Democratic Socialist Party Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:09 am


Leader of the Party

The Democratic Socialist Party Sh1obm0
Victory Through Unity
The Democratic Socialist Party NGD6YYq

Greetings comrades,

We're a new party that seeks to eradicate the excesses of capitalism and channel the use of our tax money into creating opportunities for everyone such as healthcare, education, transportation and a basic living wage. Let's invest in the people and infrastructure rather than banks, corporations and war.
Democratic socialism is the idea of having a democratic political system alongside social ownership of the means of production. This means a socialist economic model would be applied to enterprises though democratic means.
We differ from other existing parties, we are not communist, we are not authoritarian and we're not oppressive as some other socialist parties you may have heard of. We believe in socialism through the ballot box, in other words we promote democracy and socialism at the same time and believe that they are compatible. We believe capitalism is inherently incompatible with the democratic values of liberty, equality and solidarity.

The Democratic Socialist Party TXWs2xdPolicies and views

• Increase income tax for the wealthiest in our society.
The wealthy can afford to pay more tax which will contribute to creating a better and fairer society. The money can be invested in public services to create a free healthcare system.

• Increase the national paycheck living wage.
Many unemployed citizens of San Andreas find it difficult to live on the basic weekly paycheck. Increasing corporation tax on businesses will fund the increase in living wage.

• Create a free healthcare system.
Health Insurance is costly and the less fortunate in our society often run into serious financial trouble because of it, which can lead to criminal records for debt and hinder future career prospects. Illness is not an offense for which people should be penalized, it is a misfortune that the wider community should pay for.

• Bring transport services into public ownership.
Bus, trains and taxi firms should be removed from private ownership and handed over to the people. Transportation costs have become too high because of the greed of capitalism.

• Close tax loopholes and avoidance/evasion schemes.
Tax is there to help the social and financial infrastructure, millions of dollars are being unreported and hoarded by the bourgeoisie.

• We oppose the death penalty.
No one deserves the right to decide who lives and dies, especially not the government. Implementing a death penalty can set a very dangerous precedent.

• We support same-sex marriages and rights for the LGBT community.
Everyone has the right to love and marry whomever they like.

• We oppose privatization of the prison system.
As of now ARES is a private contractor for the government that provides staff/security for Castille Island. The primary incentive of privately owned prisons such as this is to gain money, prisons should not be ran for a profit. Castille Island should be brought into public ownership. ARES should be part of the state or dissolved completely and replaced with a new security/military service.

• Indoor smoking ban.
We would make it an offense to smoke in public indoor facilities, officers would have the official capacity to give you a ticket if you are caught.

• Decriminalization of all drugs and legalization of cannabis.
This would mean that drug users themselves cannot be prosecuted, they will be given the help and support to fight their addiction. Instead of focusing our legal efforts on drug users we should be focusing them on the drug manufacturers. It's about time we treat drug use as a matter of public health and not a criminal offense. We support the complete legalization of cannabis in the state of San Andreas.

• Work closely with internal affairs to reduce corruption in our government.
We will be working very closely with FBI and other law enforcement agencies to ensure that corruption is eradicated from our political system. We will also have our own internal affairs within the party to identify members who may not be going by the book.

• Listen to your concerns no matter how small.
Each member of our party is given a constituency in which they are elected. They will listen to your concerns with regards to your local community and help make real change, they will be your trusted representative for your district. Government is here to serve the people, not the other way around.

The Democratic Socialist Party TXWs2xdOfficial Party Members

The Democratic Socialist Party TXWs2xdVacancies

As we are a newly founded party we need party members so feel free to contact us on our numbers provided.

Show your support and fly our banner:
The Democratic Socialist Party GB1nkLy

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